Tagged: life coach
Devona Natalie Boone is an author and founder of the non-profit organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc
By , 2020-02-29
Devona Natalie Boone
is an author and founder of the non-profit
organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc.
Devona Natalie Boone is an author and founder of the non-profit
organization, Precious G.E.M.S Inc. Her mission was to empower young
girls by teaching them resilience, promote positive self- awareness,
sisterhood and the power that is within. Through her organization Devona
found her voice and courage to share her story in hopes to offer strength,
healing and hope to other women.
When Devona Natalie Boone was just 10 years old, she witnessed her
mother’s murder. Eunice Natalie Boone was stabbed multiple times by an
abusive boyfriend while Devona watched in extreme fear. Devona was
with her mother until her very last breath. After the tragedy, Devona was
overcome with sadness, worry and grief and she was unsure of what was
next for her.
Devona has fought to become a woman of grace and resilience through
life’s difficult moments where she has had to take a self-examination of the
impact she wanted to make in the lives of others. 31 years of building
courage, 31 years of self- discovery, 31 years healing, 31 years of
recovery, 31 years of perseverance, has led Devona to this moment. Being
a self-published author to her memoir, A Precious GEM: The Journey of My
Shaping it is aimed to help those who have dealt with low self-esteem,
feelings of shame and failure in life, and the fear of growth.
We all have a journey but we all must learn to travel through it with grace!
To get a copy of her book
Phillitia Charlton Author/Playwright of
Stage Play The Death of a Lie
Author |Playwright| Trainer | Speaker
Here's the shortlink to the interview

TARA BODDIE The Author of
Marriage Is A Beautiful Thing But I Wish I Would've Known
Here's the link to the interview below
Orlando School Counselor Leaves to Educate Parents Instead!
About Tara Boddie
As a Christian author and speaker, Tara Boddie is a dynamic personality defining what it means to be a
modern woman of faith. Tara has a unique way of reaching people who are seeking to make peace with
their past, maximize their present, and deepen their relationship with God to secure a successful future.
A Professional Counselor, Ministry Leader, and Educational Consultant working with women, couples
and children, Tara has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of education, counseling, and
consulting, helping others navigate their goals and find the means to achieve them.
Orlando (February 14 th , 2020)- Tara Boddie, an educator for over 15 years recently left the school system
to help parents build successful families to impact the lives of children. Starting as a classroom teacher
in 2005, Boddie thought she could best serve her community by academically preparing students to
achieve and become productive members of society, but after a few short years she realized that the
day-to-day family issues was more of a factor in their success than their intelligence. After serving 10
years as a guidance counselor for children ages 3 to 18 Tara Boddie has finally decided to help the
Gaining experience as marriage ministry leaders in their church, Tara and her husband Jason started The
Healthy Marriage Movement where they engage couples through workshops and conferences on how
to strengthen their marriage and build healthy marriages for the sake of their children. In 2019, Tara
penned her first book, “Marriage Is A Beautiful Thing, But I Wish I Would’ve Known” (Self Published
December 2019) to highlight the challenges couples experience juggling purposefulness, marriage, and
children, and how they can experience a life-changing transformation realizing the power they have to
cultivate healthy marriages and families.
On March 7, 2020, Tara invites the media and public to her book discussion and signing at a private
location to be released to those who register for the event and media who contact Boddie. This open
and transparent discussion will jump start a couple’s journey to loving their spouse uninhibited and
utilizing the power God gave us to impact our family and build a continued legacy of successful
Boddie, married and raising three kids, tells her story in an inspiring manner that draws in the reader
and gives them hope for a more fulfilling marriage. “Marriage Is A Beautiful Thing, But I Wish I Would’ve
Known” encourages couples to make a positive transformation by first understanding that marriage is
not self-serving then learning to love their spouse beyond their faults as Christ loved the church.
In order to walk in that love there are four critical areas discussed:
Setting a firm foundation and understanding the value of the “Ministry of Marriage”
Overcoming a self-serving mentality and using the gifts God gave us to have a more fulfilling
Balancing your time in order to have healthy relationships in all areas of your life
Successful strategies for building a healthy marriage and maintaining love for a lifetime
“Whether you are single and considering if marriage is for you, or you are married and wish to unfold
the true joy of the marital experience, this book will give you a deeper understanding of who God has
called you to be as a spouse and how you are divinely gifted to love your spouse into purpose.
‘Cause after all… Marriage is a beautiful thing.” -Tara Boddie
To order a copy of “Marriage Is A Beautiful Thing, But I Wish I Would’ve Known” visit
www.TaraBoddie.com or Amazon. Book Tara Boddie for an interview or as a speaker for your next event
by calling 404-429-3747 or emailing info@TaraBoddie.com.
You can also find her book on amazon:
Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Radio
11 am-Noon Eastern
Guest Call (563) 999-3741
please Follow me on
If you own a business, published a book, singer/songwriter this is an excellent world wide platform to advertise or interview on. For more information contact Faith Lane at faithfocusedfinish@gmail.co m
Dr. Chantrise Holliman
The Author of
"Shoes Without Feet"
Here's the link to the interview below
Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/1155038 5
Article Myia King Gordon | Photography Karen Marie Images
Author, speaker, educator, heart attack survivor, bilateral amputee. My legs never defined me. My story will.
She is a sister who is humble and helps others on purpose. Her company, Disturb the Universe, LLC, was founded to help educators and school leaders think creatively to find unique solutions for improving academic outcomes for students while focusing on providing quality professional development and motivational workshops to a variety of organizations.
She is a child of God who is anointed and obedient to her calling. She relies on her faith in God to accomplish her goals and to be a reflection of those G.O.A.L.S. (#God #Ordained #Amazing #Leader #Soaring).
She is a speaker who is notable in her expertise and nurturing in her vision to lead by example and win in spite of the adversity that may cause us to stumble. For her, stumbling does not, and will not, ever mean stopping.
She is a heart attack survivor who is tenacious in teaching us “to keep moving in spite of obstacles we face!” There are no excuses in her life.
She is a decorated educator who understands that respect is earned. She is resilient in teaching her students how to solve problems while motivating them to get the best out of themselves and every learning experience.
She is an author who is insightful and inspiring in her writings. Teach Stay Love: A Reflective Journal to Help You Stay in the Profession You Love and, her latest book, Shoes Without Feet: A Journey of Strength, Hope, Obstacles, Encouragement, Success offers inspiration that emboldens us to keep moving forward, counsels us to stand strong in the midst of challenges, and reminds us to dispel the notion that our situations and consequences define our ability to be successful at reaching our goals while facing adversity.
She is a friend who is strong , sapient, and selfless in her desire to be the example she sets in her life emphasizing the enormity of life and how we must live it intentionally without stipulations or limitations.
She is a mother who is empowering and effective in edifying to her children, and to us all, that we are enough and are worthy of greatness, prosperity, and love.

Faith Focused Finish Blog Talk Radio
11 am-Noon Eastern
Guest Call (563) 999-3741
please Follow me on
If you own a business, published a book, singer/songwriter this is an excellent world wide platform to advertise or interview on. For more information contact Faith Lane 240.640.5492 or email me at faithfocusedfinish@gmail.co m
*I don’t own the rights to the music*
The Kween of Hearts (TaKeisha Wade)
Here's the link to the Episode
TeKeisha Wade is a Single Mother of 4 beautiful children. She is the Founder/CEO of Open
Arms Connection. Open Arms Connection is a Life Coaching Practice/Ministry established in
2016. TeKeisha is an International Certified Life Coach for Men/Advocate for Men, Relationship
& Leadership Coach. She has over 10 years of experience in her field. She is also a
Singer/Songwriter, an inspiring Author, Motivational Speaker, Mentor, and studying to be a
Mental Health Practitioner.
TeKeisha’s journey brought her to her final destination of Purpose. Her mission is to help Men
move past the brokenness and renew their self-worth by using Godly principles. TeKeisha’s
vision is to speak life and educate them on Healthy Dating, Mental Health, Self-Care, Intimacy,
etc..... and unveil who God designed them to be.
TeKeisha is an independent Artist that goes by the stage name, KWeen of Hearts. Her Single,
Love Languages, was released on August 9, 2019. She is working on her 2nd Single with
Producer Preacha Tim, the writer of Love Languages.
TeKeisha has been through storms of life and storms of purpose. She was in a dark place
during periods of her life. TeKeisha did not give up and she decided to get stronger by studying
The Word and getting closer to God. She began going to Counseling/Therapy and started
focusing on Self-Care. She is very dedicated to her Ministry and family including those she
serves daily.
Website: www.openarmsconnection.com
IG: openarmsconnection
FB: Wade Keisha
FB Group for Men: Open Arms Connection Kings
New R&B single called
"Love Language"
An International Certified Life Coach & Speaker who has a Passion for Serving & Educating Others
Certified Life Coach
Men’s Empowerment Coach at Open Arms Connection
Founder & CEO Open Arms Connection
Were going to find out what inspired her to start her journey with coaching man.
Find out when her next single will be out
“What support and/or resources are available to the men listening?”
FB: Wade Keisha
IG: openarmsconnection
FB Page for Men: Open Arms Connection Kings
If you own a business, publish a book or singer/songwriter this is an excellent world wide platform to advertise or interview For more information You can email me: Faith Lane Faithfocusedfinish@gmail.com